ATB Financial

The “Banking 2040” report for ATB Financial, designed in partnership with Quantumrun Forecasting, delves into the future landscape of financial institutions. Covering key themes like the Digitization of Money, Open Banking, Future Human Interfaces, and Machine Intelligence in Banking, this 100-page document marries futurist aesthetics with minimalist design. It skillfully presents complex technical insights in a format that is both accessible and engaging.

Editorial Design

ATB Financial

The “Banking 2040” report for ATB Financial, designed in partnership with Quantumrun Forecasting, delves into the future landscape of financial institutions. Covering key themes like the Digitization of Money, Open Banking, Future Human Interfaces, and Machine Intelligence in Banking, this 100-page document marries futurist aesthetics with minimalist design. It skillfully presents complex technical insights in a format that is both accessible and engaging.

Editorial Design

The Challenge

The creation of the “Banking 2040” report presented a multifaceted challenge: integrating futuristic concepts into a deeply technical topic, organizing a wealth of content, and ensuring ATB Financial’s brand remained consistent yet innovative. The approach was to balance advanced visuals with a minimalist design to enhance readability and integrate technological aspects thoughtfully.

The Challenge

The creation of the “Banking 2040” report presented a multifaceted challenge: integrating futuristic concepts into a deeply technical topic, organizing a wealth of content, and ensuring ATB Financial’s brand remained consistent yet innovative. The approach was to balance advanced visuals with a minimalist design to enhance readability and integrate technological aspects thoughtfully.

The Solution

The final product is an annual report that artfully merges futurist aesthetics with ATB Financial’s brand identity, providing a visually rich and insightful exploration into the future of banking.

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Balneário Camboriú, Brazil

© 2024 All Rights Reserved

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Balneário Camboriú, Brazil

© 2024 All Rights Reserved

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